What is the Current Bail Situation in Los Angeles Based on the Coronavirus?
Currently, all bail cases are being set at zero because of the Coronavirus. The criminal judges have decided they want to move as many people out of the court system as possible — out of jail as possible — because people who are in the jail are five to fifteen times more likely to get the Coronavirus because they're smashed in there like sardines.
There are a number of different exceptions that will block somebody from getting bail. For example, if you're charged with murder, if you're charged with a serious, violent felony pursuant to the three strike's law, then the prosecutors are able to try to mount an argument to block you from getting out.
But I have had some success in Los Angeles in getting people out of custody or getting bails lowered as high as million dollar bails because of the Coronavirus.
Not A Danger to the Public
Bottom line is, the Los Angeles county jail is very short on masks, very short on hand sanitizer. The inmates are in very close contact to each other and if we can mount an argument that you do not present a danger to the public if the judge lets you out on your own recognizance, we have a good chance to get you out.
So, I've been fighting cases all over LA county in the 38 courts getting my clients out with a lot of success. Bottom line is, if we've got the argument that you're not going to hurt anybody in the community in today's day and age with the Coronavirus, we have a very strong chance to get you out of custody.

But you have to realize, even if we get you out of custody that doesn't end your case, so you need a criminal defense attorney who has the strength, the experience, the know-how and the talent to take care of your criminal case in the right way.
If you need somebody because you're trying to get your loved one out because of the Coronavirus and they're charged with a crime and you're fearful of the health and their safety, pick up the phone now.
Ask to speak to Ron Hedding. I've been doing this for 26 years. These are very unique times.
We've had a lot of success in getting people out. But the bottom line is this — even if we get you out, that doesn't resolve your case. You still have a criminal case and you need an attorney that has the muscle, the strength and the know-how to resolve your case in the best way possible to make sure you are defended.
If you've got a chance to win the case, we'll take it to jury trial. We'll get the time that we need. We'll get you out.
Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer
If on the other hand, we need to resolve it, now is the time to resolve it. They do not want cases in the criminal court. They want the cases out of the criminal court. So, we will seize the opportunity, take advantage of the situation and get the best resolution possible for you or a loved one.
If you're in jail and you need to get out because of the Coronavirus, we have the ability to mount the best argument. Right now there's a strong argument that you should be released on your own recognizance. If you need help, pick up the phone. Make the call. We stand at the ready.
Hedding Law Firm is a criminal defense law firm located in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County at 16000 Ventura Blvd #1208 Encino, CA 91436. We are also located at 633 West Fifth Street Los Angeles, CA 90071. Contact us for a free case evaluation at (213) 542-0979.