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Alhambra Court

Alhambra Courthouse Criminal Defense Attorney

I have been practicing in the Alhambra Courthouse for the past 25 years and know it to be a small local courthouse that reasonably handles its cases.  The key is finding an attorney with top-level criminal defense experience, knowledge, and strategy in this courthouse.

Depending on the type of criminal case you have pending there, your criminal record, and the circumstances surrounding your case, this will dictate how your case will be defended.  The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office staffs this courthouse with its Deputy District Attorneys, who typically make offers on cases and try their best to ensure their offers to settle cases are accepted.

It is permissible for a criminal defense attorney to ask the particular judge hearing their client's case for an indicated sentence on a case.  However, this would usually require the judge to undercut the prosecutor's offer and would, of course, require a persuasive offer to have a chance of success.

Reviewing Best Strategy For Your Defense

What I like to do, right from the beginning of a representation, is to sit down with the client and all interested parties and come up with a road map of exactly how we are going to handle your case. 

When everyone is on the same page and moving in the same direction, we will have the best chance to achieve the result that you need in your matter.  A lot is on the line regarding a criminal charge, and you and your attorney must be on the same page and moving in the same direction.

Once we have the plan in place, I will figure out who within the Alhambra system we will deal with and how we will present your best arguments to them. 

Gathering character letters and information that shows you are a solid citizen is never a bad idea, and friends, family, and colleagues who know you to be of good moral character can sometimes help sway the judge and prosecutor to believe that you are an individual who is worth going a break and an opportunity to make things right.

All courthouses have their own personality in dispensing justice.  And, of course, this is dictated by the people who run the courthouse and administer justice within its walls. 

Some courts are tough on specific crimes, while others are harsh on certain defendants. 

There is a lot that goes into figuring out the exact right strategy for you and your case.  Sometimes, the best approach is to fight the case all the way.  Other times, the prosecutors have the goods on you, and your best strategy is to work out a deal with them through your attorney.

Experience in Alhambra Court Matters

It is up to your attorney, who knows how the Alhambra system works and who has the skill and experience to see if you should fight or plea bargain your case.  This art form should be left to criminal defense attorneys who have been around the block and can make the right moves to protect your freedom and criminal record.

At the time of writing this post, there are seven judges and one commissioner in the Alhambra Courthouse, and you want to choose an attorney who is familiar with how specific cases are handled there and what the best way is to show the prosecutor and judge your side of the story and get the best result for you. 

This comes with experience and the know-how of having been down the road you are about to travel and come out the other side with the result you must have!

It would be best to sit down face to face with your attorney, tell them all the information about your case without any spin, and make sure they know your situation's good, bad, and ugly.  T

his way, when they sit down to negotiate with the prosecutor, they have all the information necessary to argue your case effectively, convince the Alhambra prosecutor of your version of events, and execute the plan that you and the attorney came up with at the beginning of the case.

Surprises in the case usually do not work to the defendant's advantage, and if your attorney has all of the information related to your circumstances, they can anticipate the prosecutor's arguments and make sure they are ready to answer them right down the line.

Alhambra Criminal Defense Attorney

The Hedding Law Firm provides superior criminal defense for those facing a criminal charge in Alhambra, California. If you have been accused of a criminal offense, it is essential to your future that you hire an Alhambra criminal defense lawyer immediately.

Our defense lawyers are educated on all current laws and California superior court proceedings at the Hedding Law Firm. Our goal is to provide you with the best outcome possible for your case.

By hiring our defense lawyers, you will protect your rights and future. We will ensure prosecutors and law enforcement follow the procedure when investigating your case.

If anything could be improved, you can count on us to find them. Whether you have been accused of a sex crime, violent crime, juvenile crime, drug offense, DUI, or any other crime, an attorney at our firm will do everything possible to provide you with a secure outcome for your case and charges.

Could you contact the Firm today to speak with a knowledgeable lawyer about your case? We will be able to review your case with you and guide you on what is to be expected and how a lawyer at our firm may be able to help.

The Alhambra Courthouse is at 150 West Commonwealth, Alhambra, CA 91801.

Alhambra Superior Court Criminal Defense Resources
