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Compton Court

Compton Courthouse Criminal Attorney

With 25 years of experience, I have successfully handled criminal cases in the Compton Superior Court system, often leading to case dismissals and fair resolutions for my clients. This courthouse, located in South Central Los Angeles, deals with a wide range of crimes and experiences high traffic daily.

I have found that the judges and prosecutors in this particular court system are very reasonable. The key to success is hiring a seasoned criminal defense attorney and giving them all the relevant information about your case.

When clients come into my office, I often find them in a defensive posture, not fully disclosing the details of their case. One of the most valuable pieces of advice I can offer is to be honest and straightforward with your attorney. This honesty is the foundation of our relationship and crucial for a successful defense.

Even if the truth hurts. Any attorney worth their salt will listen to what you say and still figure out how to do everything they can to help you! But if you leave out important details about what happened in your case, you do your attorney and yourself a disservice, making your attorney's job more difficult and impacting your result.

What Will It Take To Win Your Case In The Compton Court?

I'm sure winning a criminal case is on every defendant's mind. The key is what a win realistically means under the circumstances of your case. I would like you to please note the use of the word realistically. Some cases must go to trial for many reasons (the person is innocent and has been wrongfully accused, or the stakes are high, and there is simply no way to work out a deal under the circumstances of the case).

These are two of many reasons to try a case. If that is what the client needs or wants, then these are some of my favorite cases because I do not have to negotiate or mess around with the judge or prosecutor. I can get to the business of investigating the case and putting together a game plan to win it.

If, on the other hand, the prosecutors have the evidence to win the case, then the meaning of the word win can take on a different meaning. We may be trying to keep you out of jail, avoid a felony conviction, or avoid a prison sentence.

There are numerous interpretations of what a 'win' means to an individual in their unique case. This is why I encourage you to sit down with an attorney experienced in your court. Share your desires and reasons, and the attorney will assess your situation and provide a realistic outlook on your chances of success. Your needs and goals are our priority.

City Hall And Civic Center

Designed by Harold L. Williams and completed in 1977, Compton opened its Civic Center. Standing with City Hall, Police Department Headquarters, and the famous King Memorial, the Compton Courthouse resides in a plaza designed to integrate Compton's local government.

Much has been said regarding its aesthetic, a late modernist approach common for buildings of its era. No matter its visual design, the center's functionality and commitment to conservation separate it from other courthouses and city centers in Los Angeles. Click here to schedule your free case evaluation today!

Compton Courthouse
200 West Compton Blvd.
Compton, CA 90220
