California Health and Safety Code 11350 – Possession of Drugs
When it comes to drug possession, I've been handling these types of offenses at the criminal level throughout LA County now for the past twenty-five years, and the bottom line is that the laws in LA have changed.
The statutes under HS 11350 have changed, and it seems to have to do with this push toward letting people out of prison who have not committed violent felonies.
So, there are a lot of drug offenders who are in prison and who have been let out of prison. There are a lot of drug offenders who are charged with drug possession in Los Angeles County who are in county jail as well. The bottom line is that the legislature and the people of the State of California have spoken through laws and propositions.
They do not want drug possession offenders serving years and years in prison and our county jails. They want to save the limited space that we do have in jails and prisons for violent offenders — people who are hurting other people, such as murderers and sex offenders.
These changes in drug possession laws bring a ray of hope, opening up a multitude of possibilities, depending on the circumstances of your case. They can keep you out of jail or prison, protect your criminal record, and offer solutions that were not available a decade ago. This shift in the legal landscape should bring a sense of relief and optimism to those facing drug possession charges.
In the 1980s, when Regan was president, the 'War on Drugs' led to the implementation of stringent drug laws across the country, including California. This era saw a significant increase in drug-related incarcerations, with even minor possession offenses carrying severe penalties.
They're still serious about drugs, but people who have an addiction and are possessing drugs are treated much less harshly than in years past.
It's important to note that law enforcement is still serious about drugs. However, individuals with addiction issues and those in possession of drugs are now treated with more understanding and less harshly than in the past.
While law enforcement is still serious about drugs, individuals with addiction issues and those in possession of drugs are now treated with more understanding and less harshly than in the past. In straight possession cases, we can often secure entry into drug diversion programs, which can help protect your record and dismiss the matter upon successful completion. This means that even in the face of a possession charge, there is hope for a positive resolution.
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So, if you have a straight possession of drugs charge, no matter what the drugs, I mean, the laws have changed now. Where possession of cocaine for years and years was a straight felony — could not be a misdemeanor — now it's a straight misdemeanor. Marijuana laws have changed.
Therefore, it's crucial to get educated on these changes. If you or a loved one is in the system and has a possession case, it's imperative to call an attorney who knows what they are doing. This will ensure that the matter is handled correctly, and you can get the best possible resolution for your possession of drug cases in one of the LA courts. Remember, seeking legal help is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards a better outcome.
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