Key Terms in California Criminal Defense
I put this section together to help give you a feel for how criminal cases are dealt with in Los Angeles. Some of the terms can be confusing to people, especially those who have not been in the criminal justice system.
So, when people are doing searches and looking for attorneys and answers to their questions, these key terms are meant to give them a foundation and a feel for what criminal defense is all about.
If you're looking for a definition of a particular term — you're looking for how a particular criminal term might apply to you and your circumstances, this section is meant to help you with that. Of course, it's not going to be all-encompassing.
Of course, it does not cover every possible eventuality. We'll have to get some more details, and that's why I'm having you come in and meet with me so we can discuss your case and whatever concerns you.
I've written a number of books on criminal defense topics that I think are most important to people.
I've also put together these terms so you can start to get a feel for what they're all about and what they mean. If you read some of the content that I have related to criminal defense terms and you're still confused, or you think you need more information, I would say pick the phone up. Let's talk over the phone about whatever it is you're confused about.
If you're looking to hire a criminal defense attorney, I've included these things here so you can understand and start to get a feel for how some of these criminal terms might apply to you.
So, if you're interested in hiring an attorney and you need help understanding some of the stuff related to your case, pick up the phone and make the call.
Let's sit down and let's talk about everything. I'm looking to try to educate you — to explain things to you so you can understand how the criminal system works. You could get some answers to some of the nagging questions that you have related to criminal defense.
Key Terms Can Be The First Step In The Process Of Hiring An Attorney
When somebody's arrested and put in the back of a car, or you're a family member of somebody who was arrested and is in shock and jail, and you don't know what to do, you don't know how to handle and help your relative who's in trouble. That's what this section is meant to help you with.
It's meant to give you some information, a foundation, and the first step in hiring an attorney—the first step in tackling your criminal defense issue.
That's why I have these key terms on this website. It's because I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to give you a foundation, a basis, from which to start to understand your criminal case — to start to tackle dealing with your problem and get you out of the criminal justice system as fast as possible.
It's scary to have a criminal case pending against you. It's scary when all of your rights are on the line. It's scary when your liberty is on the line — your reputation, your job, your family, your future — everything that is important to you. And that's why I've tried to define some of these criminal terms to get you started.
Whenever you have a huge problem that you want to tackle—especially a criminal case pending against you—the best way to handle it is a bite at a time, a step, a piece at a time. Soon, you'll be looking back on the problem and saying, thankfully, I've taken care of that.
I've taken care of that in the right way. I educated myself. I went to the right attorney and that attorney helped me get out of the criminal justice system as fast as possible.
Legal Key Terms In California Criminal Defense:
- Arrest
- Confession
- Sentencing in Criminal Defense
- Jurisdictional Issues in California Criminal Cases
- OR Release in Los Angeles County
- Law Enforcement in Los Angeles County
- Prosecutors in Los Angeles County
- Judges in California Criminal Cases
- Criminal Defense Attorney
- What Is Voir Dire In A Criminal Case?
- What Is A Juror's Role In A Criminal Case In Los Angeles?
- What Types Of Pleas Are Available In Criminal Cases In LA County?
- Courthouses In Los Angeles County
- Double Jeopardy
- Pre-Filing Issues In Criminal Cases
- Probation Department In A Los Angeles Criminal Case
- How Does The Fifth Amendment Apply To Criminal Defense?
- Fourth Amendment Rights Under The Constitution
- Criminal Court Process in Los Angeles