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Defend Sex Crime

Defending A Sex Crime In California

When you're charged with a sex crime in Los Angeles, it's crucial to understand the complex legal landscape. Each case demands a unique defense strategy tailored to the specific factors at play. The client's criminal record, the identity and injuries of the alleged victim, and the prosecuting entity all influence the case's trajectory. This understanding underscores the vital need for professional legal advice and defense strategies, which not only provide you with the reassurance and confidence you need during this challenging time but also ensure you're on the right path.

One of the key factors to consider in a sex crime case is the client's prior criminal record.  Ideally, there is no record.  However, if there is, it will significantly influence how the case is handled. Understanding this impact is crucial in developing a comprehensive defense strategy. You also need to consider the identity of the alleged victim and the injuries involved. 

Another crucial aspect to consider is the prosecuting entity.  Will it be the downtown prosecutors, who handle many sex crime cases,  or one of the local LA courts that has jurisdiction over the case?  The prosecuting entity plays a significant role in how your case is handled, from the charges brought against you to the potential plea bargains offered. Understanding this can guide your strategic decisions and moves in defending a sex crime case in Los Angeles.

Sex Offender Registration

One of the most significant factors that a lot of people think about when they talk about defending their sex crime case is whether, if they take a resolution in the case, they're going to have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life under Penal Code Section 290. It's important to understand how the new three-tier system under this section may play into sex registration. This system categorizes offenders based on the severity of their crimes and the risk they pose to the community, which can significantly impact your registration requirements.  

There are a bunch of different factors that play into sex crime cases, such as who has to register, who doesn't have to register,  and then, of course, another concern for people: if they have a sex crime pending in LA, is, are they going to have to spend custody time?  Will it be a time in county jail?  Will it be a time in prison? Understanding these potential outcomes can help you prepare for the various scenarios in your case.

Plea Bargaining

So, there's a whole slew of different concerns if you're charged with a sex crime in Los Angeles — not just jail time, not just prison time, not just sex registration; you also have to factor in whether this is the case you're going to risk taking to trial because trials in sex crime cases can be very fruitful if you can get a not-guilty verdict.

However, if you're found guilty, the stakes are high. You lose significant negotiating power, and the case is at the judge's mercy. Many judges are unforgiving when it comes to sex crime punishment.  If you don't accept a deal early on, you can expect a much harsher sentence once the judge takes your custody. This stark reality underscores the urgency of your situation and the need for strategic decision-making.

Another big issue that comes up in the defense of sex crimes in Los Angeles is whether the prosecutors are going to be able to get other offenses that you may or may not have committed against you, and the answer is yes. Evidence Code 1108 lets them get in other alleged crimes against you even if you were acquitted of them. This means that even if you were found not guilty of a previous crime, the prosecutors can still use it as evidence against you in your current case.

So, somebody could have just made an allegation against you either at the civil or criminal level or both. If it relates to the case you're being charged with, you can bet the prosecutors are going to do everything they can to try to get that particular case in against you and use it to make you look bad and get a conviction in the current sex crime prosecution. 

So, you've got to be prepared to argue against any other offenses coming in against you.  Another thing that the prosecutors love to do in sex crime cases is try to get multiple victims in on the same case to make it much more likely that they can get a conviction.

These are all crucial considerations if you're charged with a sex crime in Los Angeles.  However, you're not alone in this. By reaching out to your attorney early on, you can build your defense strategy and make the right moves. This proactive approach can help you feel more in control of your situation despite the challenging circumstances, empowering you to take action and shape your defense strategy from the outset.

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