Los Angeles Sex Crime Attorney
Of all of the crimes prosecuted in Los Angeles, I have noticed over the past 25 years that sex crimes take priority over other crimes and are treated very seriously by both prosecutors and judges. Therefore, one of the biggest primary concerns you should have is finding an attorney local to the court if your case is pending.
The lawyer you choose must have dealt with the prosecutors and judges in the courtroom you will be in and had success. It is crucial that your attorney has traveled the road you are about to embark upon and will do so in a manner that they will be able to do everything possible to achieve the best possible result for you…because there is a lot at stake!
The prosecutors and judges will be looking at punishing you with jail/prison placement on the California sex offender registry for the rest of your life and putting restrictions on you that will impact your future career and relationships.
Finding an attorney who can counter some of their arguments for harsh consequences is essential to avoid some or all of the above. These cases are prosecuted by special prosecutors working for the District Attorney's Sex Crime Unit. They are given specific marching orders on how they are to deal with sex crimes.
If your attorney does not know these policies and how they apply to your case, you have no chance of being represented effectively.
In defending my clients over the years, I have met with all of the head sex crime prosecutors in Los Angeles and know their mentality and what will move them to be fair. This knowledge is critical to countering a harsh political climate and getting the results my clients deserve! It has also helped me achieve the name I have today.
What Are the Critical Considerations?
Sex crime cases in Los Angeles are an area of law that very few criminal defense lawyers can effectively defend. There is so much political pressure on prosecutors and such a stigma associated with sex crime cases that many sex crime attorneys run into barriers when they attempt to defend their clients.
I have seen lawyers face different obstacles and barriers during their practice. Over my many years of practice, I have successfully defended numerous clients charged with severe sex crime cases.
I am a respected advocate for my clients and one of the few attorneys who can make a difference for my clients charged with a sex crime. Where many of the attorneys advertising on the web fall short is in two crucial areas:
- They do not know the political landscape of the 40 + Courthouses in Los Angeles County…and, therefore, do not know what to do or who to talk to in effectively representing their clients.
- Many of the lawyers advertising on the web have never tried a severe case (let alone a sex crime case in Los Angeles County) and could not adequately defend their clients in a jury trial if their lives depended on it! When you look at the attorneys on the first page of many of the major search engines, it is unbelievable how many of them don't try cases or even go to court.
This is why you should not randomly select from the attorneys you talk to. If you need help, call me, and I will sit down with you and educate you on what needs to be done to be successful in your particular case.
Registration as a Sex Offender
Being accused of or investigated for any sex crime can be devastating. Is your case a misdemeanor or felony? Many people often find themselves wrongly accused and do not know where to turn to protect their reputation and their future.
At the Hedding law firm, our sex crime lawyers provide exceptional legal advice and representation to individuals facing a sex crime charge in California. We are board-certified defense attorneys and can aggressively defend your rights in state and federal court.
In the state of California, if you are convicted of a sex crime, you will have to register as a sex offender in the national and state sex offender registry. In most cases, you will also be facing a minimum of up to 1 year in county jail to life in a state prison, along with hefty fines.
You will also receive community service, probation, and a mark on your criminal record for life. In addition, if children are involved, you can expect to face the maximum penalties unless you have a professional lawyer.
What are the Common Sex Offenses?
The following are examples of common sex crimes in California:
- 290 Registration
- Rape
- Statutory Rape
- Child Molestation
- Chat Rooms
- Child Pornography Videos
- Child Pornography
- Child Prostitution
- Child Trafficking
- Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
- Indecent Exposure in a Vehicle
- Lewd Acts With a Minor
- Lewd Conduct
- Prostitution
- Failure to Register
- Human/Child Trafficking
- Massage Parlor Arrests
- Federal Sex Crimes
- Internet Pornography
- Production of Child Pornography
- Sale of Child Pornography
- Sexual Battery
- Peeping Tom Laws in California
- Pimping and Pandering Laws
At our law firm, we represent all types of complex sex crime cases. We understand that being accused of committing a sex crime is an extremely serious legal issue and that your case will need the care and attention of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer.
Being accused of or investigated for any type of sex crime can be devastating. Many people often find themselves wrongly accused and do not know where to turn to protect their reputation and future.
Our Los Angeles sex crime defense lawyers provide exceptional legal advice and representation to individuals facing a sex crime charge in California. We are board-certified defense attorneys who can aggressively defend your rights in state and federal court.
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