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Chat Rooms

Los Angeles Chat Room Attorney

Chat Room Sex Crime

Chat room sex crimes involving minors are becoming more and more common and are being heavily monitored and prosecuted. The penalties and consequences of a crime against minors are harsh and a person may face felony charges in state or federal court.

If you or someone you know is facing such charges of using chat rooms for the purpose of eliciting a minor our defense attorneys are here to help you.

Chat rooms are often used as a tool to lure minors into sexual acts. Using these chat rooms to distribute or exhibit sexually arousing or appealing material to a minor is illegal.

Law enforcement agencies purposefully set up situations and operations to try and catch people in the act of committing sex crimes through chat rooms. A common related crime is arranging a meeting with a minor for lewd purposes under California Penal Code 288.4 PC.

If you or someone you know is facing such charges, it is vital to obtain an experienced and aggressive sex crime defense lawyer to prevent negative consequences you may suffer as a result of such a conviction. Our Los Angeles defense attorneys intervene to ultimately get the charges completely dismissed or reduced.

The truth of the matter is, many people are falsely accused of sex crimes, and such accusations can change your life forever. Our goal is to protect your rights, your freedom, and your reputation.

Contact A Los Angeles chat room sex crime lawyer at our law firm to discuss your case. We will inform you of all your options and strive to get you the best possible results.
