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Attorney Referral Program

There are attorneys nationwide looking for attorneys in Los Angeles to represent those they know or are somehow connected with related to a criminal charge in LA.  Los Angeles is a vast county with over a thousand prosecutors and over twenty-five courthouses, so sometimes it can be challenging to find an attorney to help your client, especially if you don't practice criminal defense.

That's why I set things up easy here.  I've got a video discussing what we can do for the client.  I coordinate with the attorney all the time.  Some attorneys call me, give me the information, and let me deal with it from there.  On the other hand, other attorneys would like to be involved in the process.  They're trying to help their client.

They're probably helping their client on another end, so they want to be involved with the criminal process, which I'm okay with.  We're working as a team.  We're trying to get the best result for the client.  Sometimes, the attorney can help me get information more effectively and quickly than the client can. 

So, again, depending on the circumstances, having the referring attorney help in the process can be advantageous to the client and advantageous to me as an advocate for the client.

Open-Door Policy

I like to have an open-door policy.  If you're an attorney looking for a criminal defense attorney or even a federal criminal defense attorney, call or reach out to me.  Usually, I'm pretty accessible.  They'll get a hold of me if I'm not in the office.  You and I will be able to talk about the case.

You can give me the details you can provide. I can give you some information about what I think will happen and what I can do to help the client. It makes you look good in front of the client because you'll be able to get the client in pretty quickly for an appointment. You could also do a lot of the leg work yourself, which I've had attorneys do. 

Then the client feels like they're being taken care of by somebody that they trust and respect, and you feel like you've got an advocate to work with who knows what they're doing and can help your client out with their criminal case.

A lot of times, having a smart attorney who knows the client or the circumstances helps me not only strategize exactly how the defense is going to be played out but also how to deal with the client so the client feels effectively represented.

The client feels like they're being helped and heard. A lot of times, the client trusts that other attorney because they've worked with them for so long, and some being able to have that other attorney available — another brain there that knows what they're talking about — to help the client is vast in trying some of these cases or even fight some of these cases if that's what we decide to do and that's one big thing that the referring attorney can assist in. 

They can also talk to me.  The three of us can speak and then figure out if this case should go to trial or if it is a case that should be resolved.

Developing a Defense Strategy

If a case should go to trial, what witnesses will we need?  How are we going to strategize it?  We will explain to the client exactly how the trial will go.  If a situation needs to be plea bargained, sometimes choices and hard decisions must be made in some criminal cases.

So, the referring attorney is definitely somebody who can help out in that process—make it easy for the client, maybe even help him understand a little bit better some of the ins-and-outs of the justice system once I explain it to him, and help me help the client get the best possible result, protect their record, protect their future, protect their freedom, and protect their reputation.

So, pick up the phone today if you've got a criminal matter that you need some help with. If you're going to be the referring attorney, let me know, and we will do everything we can to help you get this thing taken care of as smoothly and professionally as possible.

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