Massage Parlor Arrest and Sex Crimes
There are all sorts of arrests being made related to massage parlors in Los Angeles, whether it be that the people who are working there that the police believe are involved in illegal activity or whether it's the customers who the police are targeting because they think they're engaged in some sex crime illegal activity.
The legal activity I'm talking about usually has to do with solicitation of prostitution or acts that are sexual for some money. As we've seen recently, with the owner of the New England Patriots being arrested due to being inside a massage parlor and receiving some sexual activity, it appears that the police are just going out of their way to try and catch people related to these massage parlors, not only in Los Angeles but across the country.
They're doing it under the umbrella of saying that somehow there's some sexual conduct going on involving minors, so they're calling it sex trafficking. However, if you look at the Robert Kraft case, they don't have any evidence.
It almost looks like it's a political hit where they're targeting him because he's associated with Trump. Then they're going in there and executing some warrant where they're planting video cameras inside this massage parlor, which is frustrating because how can the police possibly get into an area where people are privately changing — they could be innocent people — men, women, whoever's going in there for a massage.
That seems very unusual to me. I'm sure his defense team will try to figure out how to deal with this highly illegal behavior, violating the United States Constitution.
Regulating Massage Parlors in California
But that's how the police are investigating these cases. Right now, in Los Angeles, the capitol has pretty much decided that the massage parlors or massage locations across Los Angeles and even in California are going to be regulated by a particular body versus the police, so that's probably why there's not a lot of arrests related to massage parlors going on right now.
However, I'm sure the police will figure out how to get their way back involved with that, and there will be arrests made related to prostitution at these massage parlors.
What it's centering around is, any time that you're paying money to obtain some sexual activity, that's going to be prostitution, and if you're soliciting that — even if you're not doing anything — if you solicit an undercover police officer who's posing as a massage therapist for example, that's a crime as well, even if nothing happens. Just the act of asking the person to do something sexual in exchange for money is a crime in and of itself.
Protecting Your Legal Rights
So, if you've been caught up in a sting or some other law enforcement activity related to a massage location in Los Angeles, pick up the phone and call me. We'll sit down and see whether the police have the evidence to prosecute you — whether they have violated any of your constitutional rights so that we can try to defend the case.
There are defenses to these cases, but obviously, they will center around the facts and circumstances related to the case. Also, if you are caught red-handed, so to speak, some things can be done to protect your rights, your freedom, your record, and your liberty, but really, they have to be done by a plan that takes into account you and your circumstances.
If you have no criminal record, you're in a much stronger position to resolve these massage parlor-related cases favorably. If you have a criminal record or even a criminal record related to this type of offense, it will be much more difficult to resolve your case.
So, if you're arrested related to massage parlor illegal activity, solicitation of prostitution, or even prostitution, pick up the phone and give me a call. I'm often also representing those working inside massage parlors who are caught massaging without a license or some other offense related to that particular business.