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Searching for a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Posted by Ronald D. Hedding, ESQ. | Apr 03, 2021

When Searching for a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney – Get the Right Information Versus Your Wishful Thinking

I can't tell you how many times people call me who have gotten themselves whipped up into a tizzy.  They're worried about their criminal case in Los Angeles.

They're looking for a criminal defense attorney, and they've already spun a whole story out of their information.

They've talked to some people over the internet who probably aren't attorneys or who are attorneys but are really not paying attention to what they're saying.

They don't have the details related to their case but are obviously trying to convince them to retain the attorney, so they'll say whatever is necessary to get them to hire that particular attorney.

You Need Accurate Information

But this whole wishful thinking concept is one that I see a lot in criminal defense. The reality is that what you need is information that is accurate, that is detailed, and has to do with your criminal case.

Information based on hopes, wishes, and prayers really is going to be limited at this point. Because you're facing criminal charges, you need a great criminal defense attorney on your side.

The best attorneys are the ones who not only want to hear your story but also the story of the other side because that needs to be addressed.

If we want to get you the best possible result, that may have to be refuted and explained to the prosecutor and judge.

Facts and Credibility

So, forget all this wishful thinking.  Let's talk facts.  Let's talk credibility.  Let's talk about what information the police and prosecutors are going to have about you, and then we can really sit down and start dealing with it and start either developing a defense or:

  • coming up with rationale for why you got yourself into this position; and, of course
  • how we're going to get you out of this position and
  • how we're going to explain to the judge and the prosecutor what you're going to do moving forward so you don't get yourself in this position again?

Or, in some of the cases I do, we're going to have to deal with the fact that you're going to fight the case, we have to do our investigation and show the other side of the coin and prove to a jury that you are not guilty of the crime.

Meeting to Discuss Strategy

So, these are some of the things we need to grapple with. The way we do that is by having you come in and sit down with me.  We talk about the case and strategize our next steps.

I put my 30 years of experience to work for you, dealing with criminal cases from a district attorney's and a judge's point of view when I worked for a superior court judge.

Of course, from a criminal defense attorney's point of view, I have been practicing criminal defense since 1994, when I started after working for the LA District Attorney's office and as a research attorney for a superior court judge.

Let me use my skill set for you. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to be straightforward with you because that's what you need to get through this successfully.

About the Author

Ronald D. Hedding, ESQ.

Ronald D. Hedding, Esq., is the founding member of the Hedding Law Firm. Mr. Hedding has an extensive well-rounded legal background in the area of Criminal Law. He has worked for the District Attorney's Office, a Superior Court Judge, and as the guiding force behind the Hedding Law Firm. His multi-faceted experience sets Mr. Hedding apart and puts him in an elite group of the best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Southern California.
