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Investigation Of Federal Case

What Happens During The Initial Investigation Of A Federal Criminal Case?

During the initial investigation of a federal criminal case, one of the branches of the federal government becomes involved. They are either tipped off by someone calling and giving them information, or through their hard work and diligence, they figure out a case and begin their investigation.

What Is The First Charging Document In A Federal Criminal Case?

If someone is going to be charged federally, they will be indicted by the federal government. That indictment will give them all the charges.

They will be presented with that indictment at the time of their first court appearance. If, during the criminal case, the government comes up with new or additional charges, they will supersede the indictment. As a result, the person will be re-arraigned and given a copy of the indictment, so they know the new charges against them.

What Role Does The Grand Jury Have In An Indictment In A Federal Case Or Charging Document?

Grand juries meet in secret without a defense attorney present. The prosecutor calls witnesses and presents evidence, and then the grand jury determines whether or not to indict. The grand jury evaluates whether the prosecution has met the elements of the crimes they want to charge the person with.

I Was Served With A Subpoena To Testify Before A Grand Jury, What Do I Do?

If you have been served with a subpoena, your first move should be to contact a federal criminal defense attorney who knows the jurisdiction where your case is pending.

Let them look at the grand jury subpoena and see exactly what is listed and whether or not there are any objections to it. Could you let the attorney help you decide how you will respond to the subpoena and whether you risk incriminating yourself by responding?

There Is A Federal Warrant For My Arrest, What Should I Do?

If there is a federal warrant for your arrest, you should first contact a federal criminal defense attorney. Could you get a list of questions together?

When you meet with your attorney to potentially retain them, you are protected by the attorney-client privilege, so anything you say cannot be used against you or repeated to anyone. Be honest and forthright with the attorney because they can only properly advise you if you give them accurate information. Your attorney will help you protect your freedom, rights, and reputation.

Is It True If I Am Going To Be Indicted, I Will Know Shortly After If I Will Be Arrested?

Because people often flee the jurisdiction once they realize they will be indicted and arrested, you will not have that information. If you have an attorney, they must be informed about an indictment and an arrest. If, on the other hand, you have no attorney, most of the time they are not going to tell you about it.
