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How Do You Avoid Jail for a Criminal Case in Los Angeles?

Posted by Ronald D. Hedding, ESQ. | Feb 09, 2021

This is probably one of the biggest burning questions on most people's minds.  Nobody wants to go to jail.  Nobody wants their freedom taken away, especially in today's day and age, where you're 15 more likely to catch the Coronavirus if you end up in the LA county jail. There are three different places they can house you:

  • it can either be the county jail on Bauchet Street or
  • across the street at Twin Towers, and
  • they could ship you off to Wayside, which is in Valencia, close to Magic Mountain.

All three of these facilities are overcrowded. Inmates are stacked on top of each other face-to-face. Some of the inmates aren't wearing masks, and hand sanitizer is not available.

Although, as I write this post at the end of January 2021, it has gotten much better than it was when the pandemic first came out.

The bottom line, though, is that you do not want to be in custody ever, especially with the Coronavirus outbreak. The relief of avoiding jail time, particularly during these uncertain times, is a significant factor to consider.

A lot of times, people miss their court dates and are in a position where they're getting quarantined, so their court date comes up, and they can't make it because, ultimately, they have lost control of their lives.

Mitigating Factors

So, how do you avoid jail or prison time?  Number one, you've got to get a great attorney by your side who can show all of the mitigating factors that you possess, whether that be a:

  • family with kids,
  • a job,
  • whether your family needs you.

So, you have to look at the equities on your side.  In other words, what would you lose if, in fact, you went to jail? Equities refer to the fair and just considerations that can be made in your case, such as your personal circumstances, the impact of a potential jail sentence on your family, and your ability to contribute to society.

But you have to realize that it has limited bite because the prosecutors and judge will ask, "Why did your client commit this crime?"

How are we supposed to punish him if we're just going to take into account everything that's going on in his life?

He or she should have considered that before committing this crime in LA County. So, that's only one small factor.

Punishment and Victim Restitution

The other factor is punishment.  What did you do?  Who did you do it to?  Let's say you took a bunch of money from somebody.  If you can give the money back, now you're helping that person and maybe they're going to give you a break. This process is known as victim restitution, where you compensate the victim for the harm you caused, which can significantly influence the outcome of your case.

If you take $100,000.00 from somebody and give zero money back, they're going to order you to pay it back, but you may have to pay it back over three to five years, and now the victim doesn't get their money, or they get it piece by piece.

They're going to take that out of your hide.  They're going to put you in custody for that.  So, you have to also look at it from the judge and prosecutor's point of view as it relates to punishment.

Negotiation for Lesser Charges

So, what I try to do is if you have to take a deal, let's come up with a punishment that doesn't involve jail time, but we also get them what they want. Let's try to anticipate what they're going to say, and then let's give that to them.

So, that's one big thing that I think I do better than a lot of other criminal defense attorneys.  I figure out the following:

  • who am I talking to?
  • who am I preaching to — the judge, the prosecutor?
  • and who is that person?

When you have 30 years of experience doing criminal cases, you're going to have a pretty good feel for who your opponent is. Who the judge is that's on the case, and we're going to figure out a plan that's going to placate them.

But at the same time, it allows you to do what you need to do — work, support your family, stay out of jail, not catch the Coronavirus, etc.

Criminal Lawyer for California Crimes

So, I think you start to get the sense that having a great attorney and a great plan are crucial when it comes to staying out of jail, and you can't cookie-cut it. 

You've got to look at yourself—who you are and what you're all about—and that's why I have you come in and hear your story. I hear what your life is all about, then I get everything from the other side, and then you and I meet and talk about what we're going to do moving forward.

How are we going to keep you out of jail?  What are we going to give them so they're satisfied, and what do we need to do for you so that you're satisfied?

Pick up the phone.  Ask for a meeting with Ron Hedding. You'll be meeting with someone who has 30 years of criminal defense experience. I will figure out how to resolve your matter the right way, protecting your rights, your freedom, and everything that's important to your future.

About the Author

Ronald D. Hedding, ESQ.

Ronald D. Hedding, Esq., is the founding member of the Hedding Law Firm. Mr. Hedding has an extensive well-rounded legal background in the area of Criminal Law. He has worked for the District Attorney's Office, a Superior Court Judge, and as the guiding force behind the Hedding Law Firm. His multi-faceted experience sets Mr. Hedding apart and puts him in an elite group of the best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Southern California.
