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Suspend Driver’s License

What Are The Reasons California Will Suspend Or Revoke A Driver's License?

There are a myriad of reasons to suspend a driver's license. One of the most common reasons is having too many points on your record. If you have moving violations, those points will eventually add up, and you'll either be put on some probation or the Department of Motor Vehicles will suspend your license.

Another reason for a suspension is a DUI. Hit-and-runs causing injuries can cause you to have your driver's license suspended. In Los Angeles, the courts and the DMV have coordinated their efforts. If someone commits a driving-related offense, like a DUI or a hit-and-run causing injury, it would trigger a suspension. The courts are now set up to send that information directly to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Your best starting point is with the DMV. You can go to the DMV office and talk about why your license was suspended and what you can do to get it back. If your questions and the reason your license was suspended are more complicated, you will often be sent to their Mandatory Action Unit.

They're going to look at your case and make a decision. When I do a DMV hearing, and we have a good issue, instead of getting a result back within a day or two, it can take a month or longer.

Different Types Of License Suspensions In Los Angeles County

Different suspensions have different lengths, and that will depend on whether the suspension is for points, how many points you have, in what time frame, and what your overall driving record looks like.

California can even pull information from other states to evaluate your driving ability in California. I've seen people who got a DUI in another state, and they didn't have to complete an alcohol program. California sees that and says that they can't drive here unless they do an alcohol program.

For a first DUI, you can lose your ability to drive for 30 days and after that, for five months, you will have to install an ignition interlock device in your car to drive, on a restricted basis, to and from work or any alcohol programs.

If you get your license suspended because you refused to take a breath test or a blood test after the police believed that you were under the influence of alcohol, you'll lose your license for a year, with no exceptions or restricted options.

If you get a second, third, or fourth DUI, it is going to dictate a license suspension. Assault with a deadly weapon with a vehicle can trigger a lifetime suspension of your driver's license. It's very important to get the information from the DMV and find out why they're suspending it and what you must do to get it back.

Sometimes, you've got to get an attorney involved to sort things out with the DMV and make some decisions to get your driving privilege back as soon as possible.

Revocation is taking your driver's license away for some time or permanently. A suspension is usually shorter than a period. It's a much shorter duration, and you must do certain things to get it back. Suppose the DMV is talking about revoking someone's driver's license.

In that case, they've done something very bad, like assault with a deadly weapon using a vehicle or hit-and-run causing great bodily injury. It's very difficult, if possible, to get a driver's license back once it's been revoked by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

How Long Will My Driver's License Be Suspended In LA County?

The length of your suspension depends on what you did to trigger it. If it's a refusal on a DUI case in Los Angeles, you'll lose your driver's license for one year. If it's a first-time DUI, you can expect to lose your driver's license for one month and then be placed on five months of a restricted license.

You will have to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, limiting and restricting your driving privileges. Several points on your record may trigger a suspension. I've seen the court suspend people's driver's licenses as a condition of being released on their recognizance in a criminal case.

The courts say they are not allowed to drive during the pendency of their criminal case. If the person drives and violates the court order, they will be taken into custody. Their bail will be set at a high level, and they may not be able to get out.

If you are convicted of driving on a suspended license, the DMV will take further action on your license, suspending it for longer or even revoking it. The court system will also become involved, and you will be arrested and charged with driving on a suspended license.

You'll be facing jail time. If your license was suspended related to a DUI, you're looking at mandatory jail time. You'll also face a criminal conviction, fines, further suspension, probation, and community service. The DMV looks at driving as a privilege and not a right. If you can't comply with the law, they will step in and take it away from you.

How Does Driving On A Suspended License Impact The Original Suspension?

If you are on probation in criminal court on a driving-related offense and you continue to do the same thing that got you there, not only will the DMV further suspend or revoke your license, but the court system will get involved. They have penalties above and beyond the DMV.

They can prevent you from driving and put you in jail. They can make you perform Caltrans, picking up trash on the freeway in the dead of summer. The court system operates as the guardian of the DMV's orders.

If the DMV orders people not to drive or to install an ignition interlock device, and people don't comply, the court will step in with penalties. Expect the court system to treat you harshly if you continue driving on a suspended license. If you're in this scenario and trying to get out of it, hire an attorney to figure out a strategy to bring you the best possible result.

Regarding a DMV record, certain things fall off after some time. If they suspend your license for 30 days, after the 30 days are up, they will tell you that you can have your driver's license back, and you're done with that.

For insurance purposes, your insurance company can see any action taken against your license. Then, you're in a position where the insurance company charges you a higher premium. There's no way to seal a DMV record.

The DMV must notify you that your driver's license is suspended. A proper notice is a certified letter that you must sign for it and acknowledge you got it. That letter tells you your driver's license has been suspended. It tells you the reason and when the suspension starts. You can be prosecuted if you get caught driving, but if the DMV did not give you proper notice, you have a valid defense.

What Happens If I Am Pulled Over While Driving On A Restricted License?

If you're caught driving on a restricted driver's license and outside your restrictions, that's the same as driving on a suspended license. You can expect the DMV to take action against you and the court system to file a potential criminal charge against you.

It would be best if you didn't put yourself in that position, especially on probation. Part of every single DUI probation case is obeying all laws. Driving outside of what the DMV permits is a probation violation, and you could be subject to jail time and other punishments.

A free initial consultation is your next best step for more information on the Revocation/Suspension Of a Driver's License. Please get the information and legal answers you are looking for by calling (213) 542-0979542-0979 today.

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