For 26 years now, I've assisted agents in helping their clients who have criminal cases pending in Los Angeles. Agents are often tasked with the responsibility of making sure that their clients are represented when they have a criminal case.
The client will go to them, whether the client is a celebrity, an athlete, or anybody being represented by an agent, and they will let them know that they've been arrested. They will tell them what the charges are, and obviously, the agent has to find a criminal defense attorney to represent them in Los Angeles.
I've got over 300 videos on the internet that you can check out covering almost every topic in criminal defense. I've written five books on some of the most prevalent topics and I've represented many celebrities, athletes and worked hand in hand with agents.
With your client's permission, we can share information and work together to build a strong defense. Your insights can often guide us in making the best decisions for your client's case, ensuring the best possible outcome.
Sometimes, there are related concerns. The person has to plead guilty, and some of the terms of probation and various other things are obviously of concern to many clients who have criminal cases, and their agents obviously want to try to help them.
So, my suggestion is that if you have a client—whether it be a celebrity, an athlete, or another professional—who needs help with a criminal case, pick up the phone. Make the call. I've been doing this a long time. We can talk about it first, and I can give you some ideas.
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I can give you an idea of how I handle these types of cases, what the client is looking out for punishment-wise if they're going to have to plead guilty, or if it's a case that they're indicating that they're innocent.

We can review what defenses might be available for that particular client, arrange an over-the-phone or in-person meeting with your client, and obviously make sure that they're taken care of.
I'm certainly able to coordinate with you on what's going on with the case and keep you posted. Your insights and your client's concerns regarding the proper resolution of the case are crucial. We'll work together to ensure the best possible outcome for your client.
Whether fighting the case at a jury trial or engaging in some sort of plea negotiations with the prosecutor, which I do a lot of, you can be coordinated and kept in the loop regarding that.
While there's attorney-client privilege, if your client is comfortable with me discussing their case with you, we can work together seamlessly. Our shared goal is to secure the best possible outcome for your client's case in Los Angeles.
So, if you have a criminal case, pick up the phone. Ask to speak to Ron Hedding. Let the person who answers the phone know that you're an agent and you need help with one of your clients who is being charged with a criminal case, and you should be able to get a hold of me relatively quickly once I'm out of court.
We can discuss it and get the ball moving in the right direction—getting the case taken care of and obviously representing your client in the best possible way.