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Violate Protective Order

What Happens If You Violate a Criminal Protective Order?

People who violate these criminal protective orders have many vital concerns, and rightfully so, because I can tell you what will happen.

Suppose you violate a criminal protective order that's been ordered by a judge. In that case, the judges take that very seriously because they feel this person is not listening to what I'm telling them.

One significant power they have is if you're on probation and you violate a criminal protective order, or even if you have a criminal case pending. In such cases, the judges can escalate the bail to an extent that you find yourself in a situation you can't get out of.

They might, in certain circumstances, just make it no bail, and then you can't get out, especially when it comes to a probation violation.

Domestic Violence Probation

Let's say for example that you're on domestic violence probation and you violate that probation by violating a protective order, a lot of times what the judges do is just issue a no-bail warrant, so when you get caught you can't bail out.

What Happens If You Violate a Los Angeles Criminal Protective Order?

Probably the most significant thing they can do when you violate a criminal protective order is put you in custody and keep you there until either your open criminal case or your probation violation hearing with the judge is resolved.

So, violating a protective order is a very serious thing because the reason protective orders are put into place is to protect somebody — to protect a victim of a crime.

The judges and prosecutors see it as their duty to protect the public, especially in cases involving domestic violence or any other situation where a criminal protective order is issued in Los Angeles.

Keeping You In Custody for a Violation

They feel their job is to help that person, so they will do everything they can to help them.  The judge will issue whatever orders they deem appropriate to help the victim. If you violate those orders, you can expect not only to be taken into custody and kept in custody in a higher bail or no bail but also to be punished.

They're going to look at sending you away many times for a very long period because they figure that will keep you away from the person who is protected.

It will punish you and give you a deterrent so you don't get involved in bothering this person again.

So, when you violate protective orders in LA County, you do something that is one of that kinds of pet peeve issues for prosecutors and judges, and you can be sure that they're going to do whatever is in their power to try to stop you from (1) violating the protective order again; and (2) in most cases, getting out of custody.

Courts Protecting Victims of Crime

They will pull out all the stops to prevent you from getting to that victim again because (1) it's their primary job to help victims of crimes, and (2) it comes back to them politically when victims of crimes complain, saying the judge, the police, the prosecutors — they're not doing anything to help me.

That comes back to haunt them and bother them seriously. So, if you or a loved one is charged with violating a criminal protective order, pick up the phone now.

If you or a loved one is charged with violating a criminal protective order, it's crucial to act swiftly. Ask to speak to Ron Hedding. He can guide you on how to resolve this matter and get back to a productive life.
