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Prefile Drug Case

What Can Be Done at the Pre-Filing Stage of a Big Drug Case?

A lot of people have drug cases — usually sales or possession for sales — and it's at the pre-filing stage, and they're not sure what to do.

Maybe the police came and seized some drugs, or they seized some case, which I see a lot — and they realize they're under investigation for a drug case.

Maybe somebody close to them got arrested, and then they realize that since they're connected to them, that may lead to them being arrested. All sorts of scenarios present themselves at the pre-filing stage of a drug prosecution.

With my 26 years of experience, I strongly advise seeking legal representation immediately. I stand by my clients from the start, ensuring the right steps are taken, providing a sense of relief in the midst of uncertainty.

Contact Prosecutor to Determine Case Strategy

My goal is to empower you by protecting your rights. I will initiate contact with the prosecutor if a prosecution is involved in your case, ensuring your rights are upheld.

I also always contact law enforcement in these significant drug crime cases to ask them about their investigation and see what's happening. Then, I can help the client decide precisely what to do.

In other words, I usually tell them to keep their mouths shut, but sometimes, there's a scenario where they do want to talk to the police.

They want to be able to tell their side of the story before the police decide to arrest them.

Other times, instead of talking to the police, they'll want me to talk to them and make sure that I get their version of events to the police without them incriminating themselves.

Do You Think I Should Speak to the Police?

So, there are all sorts of scenarios in which it's a good idea to speak to the police, and there are scenarios in which it's not a good idea.

At the pre-filing stage, the key is to make the right decisions. Sometimes, the best move is to let your attorney handle communication with the police, ensuring you don't say or do anything that could worsen your situation.

That way, you know what's going on, which gives you some peace of mind, and you don't do or say anything that puts you in a worse position. So, at the pre-filing stage, I would immediately hire an attorney.  I would have you come into the office, and we would go over everything.

I encourage you to be truthful to me because I'm trying to help you. I will never say anything to the police that would be against one of my client's interests.

But I can also help you make the right moves moving forward so you don't put yourself in a worse position.

So, if you have a case at the pre-filing stage and you're being investigated for drug crimes and need some help, you obviously want to get an attorney who knows what they're doing and who has been down this road before. Pick up the phone.  Make the call.  I stand ready to help you.
