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DV Charges

What To Do If You Are Facing Domestic Violence Charges in Los Angeles

If you are facing a domestic violence charge, you need to hire a lawyer. This is because domestic violence charges have so many potential ramifications, such as the loss of freedom, loss of reputation, a criminal record, jail time, prison time, and embarrassment.

You need a lawyer who is familiar with the courthouse where your case is pending, who has dealt with judges and prosecutors, and who knows how to handle a domestic violence case in Los Angeles.

You have to sit down with that lawyer, tell them your story, and ask how they can help you. You should have a list of questions prepared so that you feel all your questions were answered when you leave the meeting.

I always like to develop a plan and explain to my clients how I will investigate the case and deal with the prosecutors. I need to know whether we are going to fight the case or negotiate because each course of action requires certain steps.

Defense Strategies for Los Angeles Domestic Violence Cases

There are several different strategies that I use when it comes to these domestic violence cases in Los Angeles.

Self-defense is a viable defense. If a person is being attacked by their partner and pushes or hits that partner back, that is considered self-defense as long as they don't go too far or use more force than is reasonably necessary.

The problem is that if the police arrive and see that someone is injured, they automatically assume that the person who is injured is the victim in the case. Sometimes, the police do not believe the parties involved or do not know how to deal with a particular situation.

When it comes to a domestic violence case in Los Angeles, the focus is on the facts of the case.

Some people will make up negative stories about their spouses to get the upper hand in a custody battle, have them put in jail, take their assets, or destroy their property. Some people will claim that they are the victims of domestic violence in an attempt to gain citizenship. Again, this is why having a criminal defense attorney by your side is crucial.

Retain Experienced Attorney

It is necessary to retain an experienced attorney to handle your domestic violence case because these cases are very politically charged.

There are special units in the prosecutor's office that deal with these cases, so you want a lawyer who is familiar with these units and knows how to get you the best result possible. I've been doing this for 25 years, and I have handled thousands of domestic violence cases; I know who to talk to, who not to talk to, what to say, and what not to say.

Once I have all of the information, we will review it under the attorney-client privilege.

You and I will come to a meeting of the minds and agree based on your case's facts. You want someone who knows what types of punishments you may face and how to bring forth the mitigating evidence to get the best result possible.
