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Alabama Federal Criminal Defense Attorney

I have some familiarity with the Alabama federal criminal defense community because I've handled matters there.  I dealt with a significant matter in Montgomery, Alabama, involving a lot of narcotics that were being trafficked into Alabama.  I filed a motion related to a State Trooper illegally searching my client's vehicle and litigated that motion with several other attorneys in the Alabama Federal Courthouse.  So, I'm very familiar with how that system works and what it takes to be successful there.

Like any system, Alabama has prosecutors who work hard to prosecute those individuals they believe are involved in severe federal criminal matters. They will file an indictment against that person. They'll use the FBI and other agents, including State Troopers, to investigate many of these cases. They take crime very seriously and will prosecute anyone to the full extent of the law.

If you're facing a federal case in Alabama and are seeking a seasoned attorney with extensive experience in Alabama and across the country, I'm here to help. I've handled numerous federal criminal cases and understand what it takes to win.  I can identify when the government has the evidence to prosecute and when it's time to negotiate a plea bargain.

Strategy for Best Possible Outcome

That's one of the most essential things in a federal case — making that determination first — whether it's in Alabama or any other federal courthouse.  You don't want to fight the government unless you have a real good chance of winning or have no choice in the matter — based on the circumstances you find yourself in related to your federal criminal matter.

Alabama is a beautiful courthouse with a lot of history if you've ever been inside.  But with that also comes people — mainly judges and federal prosecutors — who take their job very seriously, work hard, and will punish crime very harshly, especially if it's the correct type of crime they're looking to deter and make examples of people.

So, if you have a federal criminal case pending in one of the Alabama federal criminal courts, pick up the phone and give me a call.  We'll talk about it.  We'll see if it's something I can help you with.  If it's not something I can help you with, I know some federal criminal defense attorneys in Alabama, and we can coordinate with them to ensure you're well taken care of.

The first thing you want to do if you have a case pending in Alabama Federal Court is to refrain from talking to the police or any law enforcement officer.  Talk to your attorney first.  Let your attorney guide you through the sometimes complicated system — a system that can punish you harshly.  So, it's crucial that with your attorney as your guide, you start to make some of the best choices and decisions right from the beginning — the ones that will put you in the best possible position to end up with a result that you can feel confident that you did everything you possibly could to defend you.

So, pick up the phone if you have a matter in Alabama. Give me a call. We'll sit down, talk about it, or even talk over the phone and see what I can do to help you protect your rights, freedom, liberty, and criminal record.

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